About Our Health, Safety and Environment Management

With a vast amount of years of experience under our belt, the management team of IntES has developed the Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) management system. This system was developed based on the knowledge and experience our team gained while working in an international consultancy environment.

IntES Health, Safety and Environment helmet on grass
IntES recognises our moral and legal responsibility to provide a safe and healthy work environment for employees and is, therefore, committed to conducting operations in a manner that will safeguard the health and safety of all employees, clients, contractors and visitors.

IntES will:

  • ensure compliance with legislative codes of conduct, respective industry standards and applicable customer requirements;
  • provide adequate resources to maintain safe systems of work;
  • establish measurable objectives and targets to ensure continued improvement aimed at eliminating work-related injuries and illness;
  • identify safety hazards, risk assess them and implement controls for operational processes;
  • provide relevant work health safety information, instruction, training and supervision to management, employees, clients, contractors and visitors as is necessary to ensure their safety;
  • consult with employees on work health safety issues;
  • provide support and resources to managers, supervisors and employees to help them fulfil their legal safety duties and hold them accountable to fulfilling them.

To achieve our workplace safety objectives, we have implemented a Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) management system.

Health, Safety and Environment Managment Objectives

All IntES employees are responsible for:

  • taking care of the health and safety of other people who might be affected by their work;
  • controlling and reporting any safety hazards they identify;
  • complying with all workplace safety procedures, rules and safe systems of work.

This safety policy also applies to employees and contractors when working on-site or at customers’ premises. Management fully endorses this safety policy and the safety management system that has been implemented. It is the responsibility of all employees to ensure it is understood, implemented and maintained at all levels within the company.