Project Set Up

Getting the correct project organisation in place is a key element of all projects. Often businesses put too much reliance on the Project / Engineering Services Contractor to deal with all the project needs. But, no matter what kind of project contract you are considering, the client has the ultimate responsibility to make the project complete and successful.

The Project Set Up consultancy workshop helps to clarify the role of the client and the role of the engineering services company in the project and delivers a recommended project organisation and clear roles and responsibilities within the project. With the help and guidance of our senior consultants and their extensive client-side experience, it will identify and bridge the gap between the contractor services provided and client expectations. It also will bring forward requirements for the later stages of the project which it is important for the client to consider at the outset.

What is Involved in Project Set Up Consultancy?

This Project Set Up Consultancy service will consist of a workshop of approximately 1-2 days depending on complexity. The elements of the workshop will involve:

  • Gathering of key project members, engineering services representatives and key client business representatives.
  • Review the resource planning proposed.
  • Discuss and agree the project organization from both Engineering Services and from the Client.
  • Identify the main project risks and initial mitigations.


  • Initial Project Risk Assessment.
  • Project Organisation and Governance Structure.
  • RASCI (Responsible, Accountable, Supporting, Consulting, Inform) table for main tasks.


  • Clear understanding of tasks, accountabilities and authorities of the project team.
  • Initial identification of main project risks and necessary mitigations.
  • No gaps or misunderstanding of who is doing what.
  • Clarity to facilitate the signing of an Engineering Services contract

Timing – when should this consultancy be engaged?

On formation of the project team and during initial contracting stage.

Our Consultants

We have senior consultants available to assist clients in the initial project set up. They have worked in industry in senior roles in multi-national companies and have extensive experience in setting up projects and initial contracting from the clients’ perspective. Find out more about our consultants on our Business Consultancy page.

Contact us to find out more or to arrange your project set up workshop.