Brewery & Commercial Complex for Hanuman

We are delighted to be working on this inspiring new brewery, commercial and leisure complex for Hanuman Beverages Co Ltd on the outskirts of Phnom Penh, Cambodia.


Client: Hanuman Beverages Co Ltd
Where: Angk Snuol District, Kandal Province, Cambodia.
Size: Total area of 19.5 Ha with 7ha GFA for the 1st phase.
IntES Services: Design review, PCM and procurement support.

About the Project:

Hanuman Beverages’ mission is to create best-in-class premium beverages and create new tastes for the Cambodian people, while contributing to the country’s economic growth with amazing economic developments like this one. The project covers a total area of 19.5 hectares and is expected to generate over 1500 jobs (Phom Penh Post) which is expected to provide a great boost to the area, so we feel very honoured to be involved with such a landmark development.

Originally, IntES was engaged to handle the design review and also the PCM for the brewery zone of the project, an extensive project in itself. However, after working with IntES for 5 months, we are delighted to say that Hanuman are extremely pleased with our work and decided to extend our scope to also include the commercial zone, office building, beer garden, infrastructure and procurement support, nearly doubling the scope of the original contract.

Our Approach:

IntES’ role in this project is not just as the project consultants, but as technical engineering experts providing Value Engineering and Constructability Studies, as well as forming an active part of the client’s project team, working hand-in-hand on a daily basis. This client-centric project-management approach works particularly well especially considering that this is a fast-track project, where design, procurement and construction are all happening in parallel to ensure the timely delivery of this exciting new development for Hanuman.

With this fast-track approach, detailed planning is essential. Deep understanding of constructability, the sequence of tasks, and resource demand are therefore clearly and transparently communicated at all times to all parties involved to ensure we remain on-track and keep looking ahead to each next step.

Since this project first began for us in February 2020, this of course means that we’ve had the pandemic travel restrictions to contend with. The use of Microsoft Teams for online meetings and coordinating with contractors from Vietnam and our team in Europe for design reviews, means we have been able to efficiently manage the project with weekly updates progress without issue. After all, technology is no challenge for us as we always apply the latest proven deign and communication software as standard. Like on all IntES projects we use BIM360 in tracking, monitoring and updating project progress as well as quality control.

Our Team:

We mobilized a high-performance IntES team with strong, highly-relevant experience in the beverages industry for this project at the outset, so together with the client’s team, partners and contractors we had a very efficient, quick period of team ‘forming; and ‘storming’, and effectively completed our ‘norming’ stage by establishing very clear expectations and standards, as well as ensuring clarity with roles and responsibilities. Our specialised team quickly reached the all-important ‘performing’ stage; able to adapt swiftly with fantastically positive team spirit and completely dedicated to the project success criteria:

  • Zero accidents
  • Zero rework
  • On time delivery
  • Within budget

The Project So Far:

We are pleased to report that this exciting project is progressing well, and on-target for completion next summer. So far we have delivered:

  • 9 months on-site consisting of more than 800,000 safe working hours
  • Zero Accidents
  • Zero rework
  • 50% of the project completed at the halfway-point of the timeline – we’re on track!
  • Value engineering achieving savings for the client of around $500,000 USD.

This project has been especially interesting to work on and we are delighted to be working with such a considerate client as Hanuman, who truly care about all involved with this very special project, from the construction workforce to the wider community and stakeholders throughout Cambodia.

If you would like to know more about our services and how IntES can help with your company’s next CAPEX project, please contact us and speak with one of our experts today.
